ATLAS GmbH is a competent and powerful manufacturer for the development, assembly and sales of excavators and cranes. With over 100 years of experience, robust perfection, high-quality details and well-thought-out functionality, ATLAS continues to set new standards to delight its customers. These include, among other things, the road-rail excavators manufactured in Germany, which meet all requirements both on rails and on roads. We not only feel obliged to do this, but also see it as our responsibility to ensure greater safety in rail transport. For this reason, we have decided to undergo certification in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/779, or ECM Regulation (Entity in Charge of Maintenance), issued by the EU Commission. The regulation requires owners of rail vehicles to ensure the safe operation of their machines. This is divided into four sub-areas: Maintenance Management Function (ECM I):

  • This function provides control and monitoring for the structure and effectiveness of the maintenance management system and oversees the ECM II to IV functions.
  • Maintenance development (ECM II): Defines, manages and continuously develops the maintenance specifications.
  • Fleet management (ECM III): Ensures that vehicles are submitted for maintenance in a timely manner, as well as the definition of maintenance orders and the selection of suitable workshops.
  • Maintenance Delivery (ECM IV): Is responsible for carrying out maintenance.

We can proudly announce that we have successfully completed the certification and have been officially ECM certified since October 2023.


Trust & Security: We are constantly developing. This also includes constantly optimizing existing processes. You can be sure that our products and services comply with all legal requirements, as well as industry and safety standards, and now also ECM guidelines, and that we see it as our responsibility to provide you with the best possible advice and support based on our knowledge at all times. This is how we ensure that accidents and operational disruptions are minimized.




All-round worry-free package: Our strong dealer network is mostly ECM certified and can also draw on many years of experience in the factory.

Availability and Reliability: Through optimal maintenance practices promoted by ECM certification, we can ensure that the availability of rail-rail excavators is increased and their reliability is improved. This ensures smooth operation when working on the track.

Risk management: By implementing ECM standards, we manage to identify and minimize potential risks related to the maintenance of railway vehicles.

Documentation and Transparency: ECM certification provides accurate documentation of maintenance activities and processes. In this way, we ensure transparency and precise tracking of the maintenance history of our road-rail excavators.

Training: We ensure a high quality standard through continuous training and further education. This ensures our customers a product that fully complies with the ECM guidelines.

As a manufacturer of road-rail excavators, we not only produce your road-rail excavator according to your individual ideas, but also ensure that the maintenance of our road-rail excavator can be carried out professionally and safely by our ATLAS employees.